Giving shareholders a convenient experience with our company is job one. Shareholders are provided with online access to position reports. Our commitment to resolve matters in an expedited manner along with follow up courtesy calls ensure the shareholder’s needs are met in an accurate, timely and professional manner.

Shareholder services are a vital and important facet to our operations. We offer the very best service to each and every shareholder. We have included links to the forms needed in completed shareholder transfers, restriction removals, DWAC’s and other transactions.

Download Forms

Letter of Instruction

Address Change

Rule 144 Rep Letter

Rule 144 Seller’s Rep Letter – Affiliate – Reporting Company

DWAC Request Form

Corporate Resolution for Sole Officer

Resolution for Sole Owner or Proprietor

Corporate Resolution for Securities Transactions

Resolution to Authorize the Transfer of Securities for an LLC

Authorization for Transferring Securities in a Partnership

Third Party Release

Stock Power

Credit Card Charge Verification Form

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